I was glad when they said unto me “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1)
At the center of Christian life is worship, the gathering of God pople to pray and sing together, hear God’s Word, be washed in the water of baptism, and be fed at God’s table. Worship ought to be rooted in the patterns and practices Christians have shared for 2,000 years, while drawing on music and on style from the diverse cultures of our neighborhood. All are invited and welcome to worship and to receive Holy Communion.
Our regular 10:30am Sunday community worship opportunity takes place simultaneously in the sanctuary and via our Zoom channel and YouTube. In warmer weather (April through November), Stoop Worship and Lively Worship both usually take place outdoors.
Weekly Sunday worship, with Holy Communion, takes place at 10:30am. Nuestro culto cada Domingo es en Ingles y en Español. . Our Prayground area is available and ready to be a resource to families with young children.
Morning Prayer, 9am, Tuesday and Friday each week, on Zoom and Facebook Live.
"Lively" Worship designed for kids, birth to 11 years old, and their adults, takes place normally every two weeks, in the sanctuary during cold weather, and via Zoom. Check the calendar for the next upcoming dates.
Mid-week prayer services take place on Wednesdays at 7pm in December while we prepare for Christmas. Please double check the church calendar for specifics.
Stoop Worship, the first Saturday of the month, 8pm, May through October, with Holy Communion, takes place on the front porch of the church. Check the calendar for the next upcoming dates.
Along with other Lutheran Christians in the ELCA, we believe in a three-fold engagement with the Word of God. That is to say, the Word of God is, first and foremost, alive in Jesus Christ. Secondarily, the Word of God is proclaimed in preaching, study, song, and prayer, inasmuch as it points toward God's love for us in Jesus Christ. Thirdly, the Word of God is written in Holy Scripture inasmuch as it helps us to understand God's love for us in Jesus Christ, which informs our proclamation of the Word. You can listen to a selection of our Sunday sermons here.
Worship Service Archive
You can review and engage with our worship services beginning in mid-March 2020 through our YouTube channel. You can also use that same channel to participate in worship live every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
We have many opportunities to participate in worship leadership here at Breath of God. You can review this document for more information and can also use it to sign up to lead in the coming months.